Research Labs

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The EdMedia Group of CYENS ( aims to conduct applied research and innovation in the field of Interactive Media for Education and Edutainment. EdMedia work is related to learning experience (LX) design, User Experience (UX), technology-enhanced learning, training and pedagogy, technology integration in formal, non-formal and informal education, assessment and evaluation.

MRG Leader: Andri Ioannou
Associate Professor, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology.

For further information, visit:


VMC2 logo
Visual Media Technologies Co-Lab (VMC2 ) is a joined lab that operates both at the Cyprus University of Technology and the CYENS Centre of Excellence.
Research at the VMC2 lab focuses on developing novel and applied techniques driven by the need to improve the quality of life of humans. Within this scope, research in this group targets the development of techniques that aim to:
  • Protect humans by offering novel ways to create safe environments both in physical and cyber spaces.
  • Allow humans to adapt in a better way to their environment by safeguarding their physical and mental safety, improving their productivity, and enhancing their overall experience.
The aforementioned topics are addressed through research and development in the areas of Biometrics, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and their combination with emerging technologies such as mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, Virtual and Mixed Reality.
MRG Leader: Andreas Lanitis
Professor, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology.

For further information, visit:


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The Human-Computer Interaction Research Group of the CYENS Centre of Excellence is a dynamic and collaborative research group dedicated to advancing the field of human-computer interaction as applied to Interactive media, Intelligent systems and Emerging Technologies. Our research and innovation activities place a strong emphasis on Interaction Design, User Experience, Inclusive Design, Participatory Design and Design Thinking.
MRG Leader: Panayiotis Zaphiris
Rector of the Cyprus University of Technology, Professor

For further information, visit:


museumlab logo
The Museum Lab is dedicated to the exploration of emerging technologies inside and outside museums and other heritage sites. We are an interdisciplinary team with expertise in museum studies, history, arts, archaeology, photography and new technologies such as 360 photography/video, photogrammetry, 3D modelling and AR/VR Current Research Interests:
  • Museums and difficult heritage
  • Arts and technology
  • The future of technology in museums and heritage sites with special attention in the concepts of presence, embodiment and multisensory experiences
  • Participatory and inclusive technologies
  • Deep mapping
  • Digital humanities
MRG Leader: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert
Professor at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology.

For further information, visit:

We look forward to a productive collaboration for academic and professional achievements.